
30th international seminar on the history of architecture
The architect as active reader
Vicenza, 15-17 June 2017


The Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio will organize an international conference on the theme of The Architect as Active Reader, 15-17 June 2017.

Printed treatises and texts have been the main vehicle for the communication of architectural ideas. Architects and builders, as owners of these texts, have left records of their thoughts in the form of subsequent annotations, comments, and drawings within the texts or closely connected to them. In developing the notion of the architect as an “active reader” who absorbs new information for future practical application, the conference seeks to bring out examples of architects in dialogue with texts.

The conference is curated by Nicholas Adams, Guido Beltramini, Howard Burns e Fernando Marías. The draft programme is now available.
