
58th Palladio Course
Palladio e i veronesi
Vicenza, 27th August - 1st September 2016
curated by Guido Beltramini and Howard Burns

Palladio e i veronesi

Palladio e i veronesi

The first ever edition of the course in 1958 provided the opportunity to visit the principal Palladian buildings. The 2016 edition will also take a look at the interactions between Palladio and Veneto artists, from Falconetto to Sanmicheli, Paolo Veronese and Giovanni Battista Zelotti. The course will be held over 6 days, divided into visits, lectures and workshops inside the various buildings. The visits are organized as thoroughgoing seminars in the featured buildings, with the aid of dossiers that illustrate the Palladian project drawings, plans and sections of buildings and reference models. The lectures in the lecture hall will deal with general themes found in the overall work of Palladio and will situate it in the context of their time. In the Palladio Labs (workshops) the participants will be involved in a hands-on approach to trying out various modes of enquiry: how do you "read" a building starting from its masonry? What does the direct examination of a Palladian autograph drawing tell us? The teachers are all experts on Palladio and Scamozzi. The course is addressed to architectural historians, architects, engineers, and art historians interested in exploring the works of Palladio and their physical condition.


Saturday August 27
(Palazzo Barbarano, Contra' Porti 11, Vicenza)
9:00 Coffee and introductions
Lectures by:
Guido Beltramini (CISA Andrea Palladio), The Life of Palladio
Howard Burns (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), Palladio and Verona
Xavier Salomon (Frick collection, New York), Palladio and Veronese Artists
Afternoon V
isits: Vicenza: Villa Capra "La Rotonda", Palazzo Chiericati, Basilica Palladiana, Palazzo Thiene, Palazzo Porto, PalladioLab1 at Palladio Museum (Guido Beltramini, Howard Burns, Donata Battilotti)

Sunday August 28
Morning V
isits: Villa Foscari “La Malcontenta” at Mira, Loggia and Odeo Cornaro in Padua, Porta San Giovanni, Porta Savonarola, Villa dei Vescovi at Luvigliano.
Afternoon Visits: Villa and Tempietto Barbaro at Maser, Villa Emo at Fanzolo (Guido Beltramini, Howard Burns, Xavier Salomon)

Monday August 29

Visits in Verona
: Porta Nuova, Porta Palio, Cappella Pellegrini, Arco dei Gavi, Palazzo Canossa, Palazzo Bevilacqua, Bevilacqua Funeral monument in the Santi Apostoli church, Porta Borsari, Palazzo della Torre, Palazzo degli Honorij, Arena (Paul Davies, Francesco Marcorin)

Visits in Verona: Funerary Monuments in Sant'Anastasia, Loggia del Consiglio, portal of the House of Sanmicheli, Palazzo Pompei, Madonna di Campagna (Paul Davies)

Tuesday August 30
Visits: Villa Serego at Santa Sofia, Villa della Torre a Fumane, Villa Serego alla Cucca, Villa Pisani at Bagnolo (Paul Davies, Giulio Zavatta)
Visits: Villa Pisani at Montagnana, Montagnana Cathedral, Villa Poiana: PalladioLab2 dedicated to villa decorations (Guido Beltramini, Howard Burns, Xavier Salomon)

Wednesday August 31
all day Visits in Venice: Complex of San Giorgio Maggiore, Church of the Redentore, Forte di Sant'Andrea, Monastery of the Carità, Palazzo Corner, now Mocenigo, at San Polo; Palazzo Grimani at San Luca, (Guido Beltramini, Howard Burns, Gianmario Guidarelli)

Thursday September 1
Visit: Villa Gazzotti at Bertesina: PalladioLab3 (Damiana Paternò, Mario Piana)
Visits: Vicenza, Palazzo Valmarana, Loggia del Capitaniato, Teatro Olimpico, (Fernando Rigon) Final session: Palazzo Barbarano
