
Jefferson and Palladio
Constructing a new world
edited by Guido Beltramini and Fulvio Lenzo
photographs by Filippo Romano176 pp., brossura, 28 x 21 cm, 32 tavv. a colori
James S. Ackerman
Palladio in America
Guido Beltramini
Jefferson and Palladio
Fulvio Lenzo
Jefferson: architecture and democracy
Filippo Romano
Photograhping Jefferson
Bruce Boucher
Palladianism in America before Jefferson
Catherine Maumi
The National Survey grid and the American democracy
Richard Guy Wilson
Jefferson’s creation of American classical architecture
Giovanna Capitelli
Jefferson and the First Public Statues in the United States
Mario Guderzo
Canova and the Monument to George Washington
Damiana Lucia Paternò
Palladio: materials and building techniques
Travis McDonald
Jefferson builder
Virginia State Capitol
President’s House
Poplar Forest
University of Virginia
Bibliography of works cited
List of the Exhibits
Photo Credits
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