
52th course on Palladian Architecture
Meet Palladio
Vicenza, palazzo Barbarano. 28 August - 4 September


General conditions
Please note that application forms must be completed and returned to the CISA offices in Vicenza by midday 16th August 2010.

The cost of enrolment and participation is € 400.00 + VAT (20%).

This enrolment fee includes the cost of daily transportation for the groups of participants to the various sites to be visited and the cost of admission to the various buildings and monuments. Participants will have to bear all personal expenses relating to their journey to the Vicenza area and the cost of board and lodging.
Applicants selected must confirm (by fax only) their decision to take part in the course within 7 days following official acceptance and at the same time will have to pay the enrolment fee (with the exception of students/scholars who have been granted particular financial concessions: see below). Applicants that have not confirmed their intention to participate in the course or who have not forwarded the enrolment fee by the date indicated will be excluded from the list of participants. Any cancellations must be received by the CISA Centre at least 10 days before the course starts. Following this date, the Centre reserves the right to retain the enrolment fee.

Applying for the concession of a reduced fee
Grants have been provided for participants that hold a degree in architecture, art history, engineering or in studies relating to the conservation of cultural assets. In order to qualify for such assistance applicants must have been awarded their degrees or diplomas after 1999.
The available financial aid provides for exemption from payment of the enrolment fee, which will be paid to the Centre on behalf of the selected applicants by private/public bodies, institutes or third party contributors. Those wishing to apply for a concession should submit a letter of application for financial aid (also by e-mail or by fax) - together with the general course application form - to the President of the CISA Centre in Vicenza. The application must arrive at the offices of the Centre by midday, 24th July 2010.
Applicants who are awarded the privilege of financial aid must however pay a deposit of € 50.00 by means of a postal or international money order. This sum will be reimbursed at the end of the course. It should be noted that the financial concession is subject to full attendance of the course and in any case the number of hours attended must not be less than 80% of the established total. In cases of non-compliance with the minimum attendance requirement the Centre reserves the right to withhold reimbursement of the deposit and will not issue a certificate attesting completion of the course.

Anyone may attend these courses, however only a limited number of places will be available. The official language is Italian.

To apply, those interested must complete all parts of the application form and return it to the Centre by 23th July 2010. Application forms can be downloaded from the CISA website ( or obtained directly from the CISA offices in Vicenza. To facilitate correspondence, applicants are requested to provide a fax number or an e-mail address. The course participants will be selected by a committee appointed for this purpose by the President of the Academic Council of the CISA. The committee’s decisions will be made on the basis of information provided in the application form and will be deemed as final.
