
66th Course on Palladian Architecture
Palladio and water
Vicenza + Veneto, 29th August - 4th September 2024

Palladio and Venice

The Palladio Museum is supported by Viacqua with the Art Bonus.

Palladio was born in Padua, a stone’s throw from the Piovego Canal, a waterway used by his father, Pietro della Gondola to transport sacks of flour on a small barge. Water is an important feature in Palladio’s architecture in the world of country residences since it was as a means of moving goods and people: the Villa Pisani at Montagnana is built over a canal and through a trapdoor in the floor in one of its rooms goods were hoisted up directly from boats into the house. Water is also crucial in making it possible to admire from an appropriate distance the façades of the great Venetian churches. It is an essential part of comfortable living in homes such as at the Villa Barbaro at Maser, where water from the nymphaeum is piped to the kitchens, fills the garden fountains and quenches the thirst of travellers. Palladio also reflected on the various ‘forms’ that hold water: he designed wellheads, hand basins and kitchen sinks.

The seven-day 66th Course on Palladian Architecture continues with its traditional programme of visits to Palladio's principal buildings, this year with water as the interpretative key. Classroom seminars will be reduced to a minimum to leave as much time as possible for seminars inside Palladio's buildings. They will be led by a teaching team made up of renowned international Palladian specialists, aided by junior researchers.

The course is addressed to architectural and art historians, architects, engineers, and anyone interested in learning more about Palladio's architecture.


Donata Battilotti (Università di Udine)
Guido Beltramini (CISA Andrea Palladio, Vicenza)
Gerd Blum (Kunstakademie, Münster)
Bruce Boucher (former director of Sir John Soane’s Museum, London)
Howard Burns (Emeritus Università Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Gianmario Guidarelli (Università di Padova)
Federico Marcomini (Università di Firenze)
Francesco Marcorin (CISA Andrea Palladio, Vicenza)
Damiana Paternò (Soprintendenza ABAP per l’area metropolitana di Venezia)
Cara Rachele (ETH Zürich)
Marlene Schwemer (Universität Wien)
Elena Svalduz (Università di Padova)


Thursday, 29th August
Palladio Museum, Vicenza
Welcoming remarks and distribution of materials.

Introductory seminars:
9:30 Guido Beltramini, Palladio e l’acqua.

Architecture seminars in buildings in Vicenza [Francesco Marcorin]: ponte Pusterla e Contra’ Pedemuro San Biagio, Palazzo di Iseppo Porto, Palazzo Thiene; Basilica, Palazzo Civena, bridgdes of San Paolo e delle Barche, Palazzo Chiericati, river port and site of the no-longer-existing Palazzo Piovene.

Friday, 30th August [Bruce Boucher, Federico Marcomini, Francesco Marcorin]
Architecture seminars in buildings: Palladio Museum, Villa Trissino at Cricoli, Villa Valmarana at Vigardolo, Villa Godi at Lonedo di Lugo Vicentino, Villa Porto at Molina di Malo.

Saturday, 31th August [Damiana Paternò, Marlene Schwemer, Elena Svalduz]
PalladioLab: villa Gazzotti at Bertesina;
Architecture seminars in buildings: Villino Pisani at Monselice, Villa Pisani at Montagnana, Villa Poiana at Poiana Maggiore, Villa Pisani at Bagnolo, Villa Trissino at Meledo.

Sunday, 1st September [Bruce Boucher]
Architecture seminars in buildings: Villa Emo at Fanzolo, Villa and Tempietto Barbaro at Maser, Villa Cornaro at Piombino Dese.

Monday, 2nd September [Gianmario Guidarelli]
Architecture seminars in buildings in Venice: Church of the Redentore, Church and Monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore, Church of San Francesco della Vigna, Church of San Pietro di Castello, Villa Foscari ‘la Malcontenta’.

Tuesday, 3rd September [Donata Battilotti, Guido Beltramini, Gerd Blum]
Architecture seminars in buildings: Villa Capra ‘la Rotonda’ in Vicenza, Villa dei Vescovi at Luvigliano, bridge in Bassano del Grappa, Villa Thiene at Quinto, bridge at Torri di Quartesolo.

Wednesday, 4th September
Seminars on Palladio’s drawings, printed books and historical maps. [Donata Battilotti, Guido Beltramini, Howard Burns, Cara Rachele]

Architecture seminars in buildings in Vicenza [Francesco Marcorin]: Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare, Palazzo Porto Breganze, Loggetta Valmarana, Teatro Olimpico.

Closing session and presentation of certificates.

Grants have been provided for participants that hold a degree in architecture, art history, engineering or in studies relating to the conservation of cultural assets. In order to qualify for such assistance applicants must have been awarded their degrees or diplomas after 2014. Application for grants to be submitted by Sunday 30th June by filling the application form.

For those who register before 7th July 2024, the enrolment fee is € 915.00 (including VAT). For later registrations the fee is € 976.00 (including VAT).
