10th international seminar on architectural restoration
La stratigrafia degli elevati: le nuove tecniche di indagine sugli edificiVicenza, palazzo Barbarano. 15 - 18 September 2005by Mario Piana
The seminar will look at the subject of architectural surveying. An essential stage in drafting the plan and carrying out the restoration, the survey is the only way of finding out about the building, its metric consistency and its spatial, organisational and formal configuration. It also provides information on the structural make-up of the building, its construction techniques and the work methods used in its erection, along with structural deterioration, material decay and its construction history.
Italian and foreign specialists will look closely at the methods and techniques of critical surveying, along with the main systems of manual and instrumental surveying (photogrammetry and laser scanning), and a practical exercise will be carried out directly on a building.