32° seminario internazionale di storia dell’architettura
Raphael and ArchitectureRome and Florence, 4-7 June 2019in collaboration with the Vatican Museums and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut
How to request admission
The Seminar has a limited number of places (maximum 15). The official language is Italian.
Applications to participate must be emailed to raffaello@cisapalladio.org by Monday 1 April 2019, and accompanied by a curriculum vitae with a personal statement explaining the reasons for wishing to attend the Seminar.
Applications will be assessed by a committee, chaired by the president of the CISAAP Advisory Board, Prof. Howard Burns and made up of the director of CISAAP and two other members of the Advisory Board. Admissions to the Seminar will be announced no later than Monday 6 May 2019.
Participants at the Seminar are required to pay 100 euros + 22% VAT as a contribution to organisational expenses, including admittance to monuments and museums and transfer by bus from Rome to Florence.