The magazine of the Centro
How to submit an article
«Annali di architettura» is a magazine on the history of architecture: you may submit a relevant proposal by 28th February every year; you shall receive the opinion of the editorial advisory board (accepted/accepted upon revision/refused) by the following March. Please note: The issue now being published is still partially affected by the delay caused by the first two years of the pandemic.
To submit a proposal, please send the following to the editorial office:
1) complete text in doc, docx or pdf format; texts in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish are welcome;
2) notes in doc, docx or pdf format;
3) captions in doc, docx or pdf format;
4) possible appendices in doc, docx or pdf format;
5) all illustrations mounted in a single pdf file.
The length of your essay may vary, according to subject and research approach, from around 3,000 to 7,500 words. The number of illustrations may also vary, from 5 to 20 approx., in relationship to the length of your text. Before submitting a proposal, please take a look at similar articles that you may download for free from the webpage of «Annali di architettura».
If your proposal is accepted, please send the following to the editorial office:
1) final text in doc o docx format;
2) final notes in doc o docx format;
3) final captions in doc o docx format;
4) possible appendices doc o docx format;
5) all illustrations in tiff o jpg format, 300 dpi resolution, short side of at least 12 cm; possible diagrams should be legible when printed in b/w. The editorial office reserves the right to refuse images of non-professional quality. All images should be free of copyrights;
6) an abstract of your article in Italian, French or English (100 to 300 words);
7) a biography of the author in Italian, French or English including a “public” e-mail address (c. 100 words).
You will be given 2 to 4 weeks to review your article and send the final illustrations, after this time limit the publication of your article will be postponed to the following issue.
Proofs will be sent you around October-November and you will be given 1 to 2 weeks to correct them; the editorial office reserves the right to refuse excessive corrections if not substantial (news, bibliographical updates etc. are always accepted).
All article authors will receive two hardcopies of the magazine and a pdf file of their article. All review authors will receive one hardcopy of the magazine and a pdf file of their book review. All contributors may enjoy a 30% discount on the purchase of further copies.