21st International seminar of architectural history
The birth of Vicenza. Art and architecture during the Vicentine Renaissance.Vicenza, 8-11 November 2004directed by Maria Elisa Avagnina and Howard Burns
How to request admission
A limited number of applicants will be admitted to the seminar, and all prospective participants must hold a university degree in architecture, history of art, engineering or the study of cultural monuments and property. The official language is Italian. To request admission, applicants must complete all parts of the admission request form and return it to the Centro by the date indicated below. This form is available on the Centro’s web site, www.cisapalladio.org, or in the secretary’s office. To facilitate correspondence, applicants are requested to provide a fax number or an e-mail address. Applicants will be chosen by a Committee appointed by the President of the Centro’s Academic Council, whose choices will be deemed definitive, on the basis of the information provided on the admission request form.
Deadline for admission requests
The admission request form must reach the Centro within, and no later than, October 8th, 2004, 12:00 am.
Directions for participation
Admission to the seminar includes the cost of group transportation during the seminar and tickets for admission to the monuments visited. Each participant must, on the other hand, pay his or her own travel expenses, as well as room and board. All chosen candidates must confirm (by fax only) their decision to participate in the seminar within 7 days of their official acceptance. At the same time they must pay a deposit of € 100.00 using a postal or international money order. Any candidate who does not confirm and pay the deposit within the prescribed term will automatically be excluded from the seminar.
Eventual cancellations must be received by the Centro at least 10 days before the start of the seminar: beyond that term, the Centro reserves the right to retain the deposit.
How to apply for financial aid
Some financial aid is available, on the basis of merit, to participants who have obtained their university degree in architecture, history of art, engineering or the study of cultural monuments and property after 1994. Candidates must not live in Vicenza nor in the Vicentine district.
Interested applicants should present a request for financial aid, along with the admission request form for the respective seminar, to the President of the Centro. A candidate who is granted financial aid must pay a deposit of € 100.00 using a postal or international money order; this sum will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the seminar. Candidates receiving financial aid must attend all sessions with regularity, in any case no fewer than 80% of the total seminar hours. If this minimum attendance requirement is not met, the Centro reserves the right to withhold reimbursement of the deposit and to withhold the certificate attesting to completion of the seminar.