
65th Course on Palladian Architecture
Palladio and Venice: politics and architecture
Vicenza + Venice + Veneto, 30 August - 5 September 2023

Palladio and Venice

The now classic annual course on Palladio, held since 1959, will mark the end of the important celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the Palladio Museum.

The 65th edition of the course will focus on the impact of Palladio's projects on the consolidated building policies of the Serenissima Republic. This means considering both the public and private spheres of architecture, and therefore not only patrician palaces but also, for example, funerary monuments in churches. In Venice, Palladio was inevitably faced with contrasting visions and policies, although he was close to certain circles of the Venetian patriciate.

Two days of the course will be devoted to the architecture of Venice, with systematic visits to Palladio's works, while the remaining five days spent on the terraferma (mainland) will explore the villas commissioned by Venetian patricians, but also his buildings in Vicenza and its surrounding territory.

The course is addressed to architectural historians, architects, engineers, art historians and anyone interested in learning about Palladio's buildings and their materials.


Wednesday, 30th August
Palladio Museum, Vicenza

Fabrizio Magani (Soprintendenza ABAP per il Comune di Venezia e Laguna), Opening session
Deborah Howard (St John’s College, Cambridge), Architettura di Venezia nel Cinquecento
Walter Panciera (Università di Padova), Istituzioni e potere nella Venezia del Cinquecento
Guido Beltramini (CISA Andrea Palladio, Vicenza), Palladio e Venezia.

Visits in Vicenza, by Guido Beltramini and Francesco Marcorin (Palladio Museum, Vicenza): Palazzo Iseppo Porto, Palazzo Thiene, Teatro Olimpico, Palazzo Chiericati, Logge del Palazzo della Ragione.

Thursday, 31th August
Visits in the Venetian and Rovigo countryside, by Guido Beltramini and Francesco Marcorin: Villa “La Rotonda”, Villa Foscari “La Malcontenta”, Villa dei Vescovi at Luvigliano, Villa Badoer at Fratta Polesine.

Friday, 1st September
Visits in Venice, by Gianmario Guidarelli (Università di Padova): palaces facing the Grand Canal, church of the Redentore, church and monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore, façade of San Pietro di Castello, church of San Francesco della Vigna, monument to Doge Mocenigo in the church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo.

Saturday, 2nd September
Visits in the Vicenza and Padua countryside, by Guido Beltramini, Francesco Marcorin and Damiana Paternò (Soprintendenza ABAP per l’area metropolitana di Venezia): PalladioLab at Villa Gazzotti at Bertesina, Villa Pisani at Montagnana, Villa Poiana at Poiana Maggiore, Villa Pisani at Bagnolo.

Sunday, 3th September
Visits in the Vicenza and Treviso countryside, by Elena Svalduz (Università di Padova): Villa Garzoni at Ponte Casale, Villa Cornaro at Piombino Dese, Villa Emo at Fanzolo, Villa and Tempietto Barbaro at Maser.

Monday, 4th September
Visits in Venice, by Howard Burns, Marcella De Paoli (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Venezia), Antonio Foscari (Università IUAV di Venezia), Gianmario Guidarelli and Fabrizio Magani: Palazzo Ducale, Libreria Marciana, Zecca, Loggetta, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Venezia, Palazzo Corner della Ca’ Granda, monastery of the Carità, Palazzo Grimani a San Luca.

Tuesday, 5th September
Howard Burns, Seminar on Palladio e il disegno d’architettura
Guido Beltramini, Seminar on Palladio e il libro d’architettura.

Visits in Vicenza, by Howard Burns and Francesco Marcorin: Loggia del Capitaniato, Palazzo Valmarana, Palazzo Porto Breganze and Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare.

Grants have been provided for participants that hold a degree in architecture, art history, engineering or in studies relating to the conservation of cultural assets. In order to qualify for such assistance applicants must have been awarded their degrees or diplomas after 2013. Application for grants to be submitted by Friday 30th June.

For those who register before 7th July 2023, the enrolment fee is € 793.00 (including VAT). For later registrations the fee is € 854.00 (including VAT).
